Saturday, June 29, 2019

CrAfternoon Delight- SOS

CrAfternoon Delight season is now open!
Our first activity at Camp Gitchacrafton is Morse Code Bracelets.
Do you have something to say but polite society won't allow it?
Then this is your opportunity to make your feelings known; or not.
Cocktail for the afternoon will be, of course,  3 Dots and a Dash

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Triple Crown

 For my LUPEC meeting, my co hostess and I offered a Triple Crown of cocktails.
El Derby Ahumado, a smoky reimagining of the Mint Julip,
Black-Eyed Susan, official drink of the Preakness Stakes,
and the The Belmont Jewel of 2011
 We also crafted mums, or horse ribbons, for our upcoming book launch.
The ribbons feature our cocktail name.

 A friend had found a box of horse ribbons at an estate sale which made the perfect decor.